Prime Objective of Black Star Pan-African Community


The “Black Star Repatriation Community Cooperative” of Jahadzi or Gyahadze is a transformative engagement that form partnerships for the Diaspora to realize their fullest potential and enhance their well-being, while optimizing their contributions to national development, and to be a model community for, “African Centered Black Families.”


The “Black Star Repatriation Community Cooperative” of Gyaahadze is a transformative engagement that form partnerships for the Diaspora to realize their fullest potential and enhance their well-being, while optimizing their contributions to national development, and to be a model community for, “African Centered Black Families.”


Black Star Repatriation & Pan-African Community Prime Objective is to Develop and Maintain a Sustainable Repatriation/ Pan-African Community.

The Black Star Pan-African Community of Gyaahaze is a transformative engagement that form partnerships for the Diaspora to realize their fullest potential and enhance their well-being, while optimizing their contributions to national development, and to be a model community for, “African Centered Black Families.” 

The aim of the project is to re integrate Africans from the rest of the world back into continental African society through a process of rites of passage, re-education, relocation and providing opportunities to just come to visit for a while. We plan to provide as much benefits to the local community through a partnership of Diasporan Africans and local Africans working together for the betterment of all involved.


Who is this Community for – Not everyone is Welcomed

Unfortunately our Straight Black Power African Nation Building energy cannot accommodate all. This community does not accept any Non Black African people. We are looking to preserve the black African family and cannot accept any non-straight personnel on the property either. This project/ community is for righteous black African people living in the Diaspora and want to be a part of a community with likeminded individuals. This project is also open to Ghanaians or other African nationals living in Africa or the Diaspora and want to be a part of our group repatriation energy. No Homosexuals, No sex offenders, No Pedophilias, No Psychotic Criminal Offenders etc. All violators will be removed from the community/ project immediately. To help with maintaining safety and security we are asking every applicant to submit a national criminal background check before application can be approved. None of these things are meant to offend anyone. We are building a community with values that work for us. If our values and vison does not work for you please find what you are looking for elsewhere.


Fifteen (15) plus Fifty (57) Acres of Land Available for Residential and Commercial

The breakdown of this land equation, we have made deposit on twenty-three acres of land. Land Survey, Land Search and Plot of Land paperwork available via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and website The fifteen (15) acres is based on four plots per acre for a total of sixty plots (60) Plots measured at 80 ft.x100 ft. or 8,000 Sq ft with a cost of $3,000 per plot plus $500 administration cost. More land is available based on future expansion and legal arrangement from land owner. Everything is set for a one plot basic. If you want more than one plot you can have another family member 18 or older apply and go through application process for approval. If you want several plots for a project please send detail e-mail so we can work out arrangement to organize the land you need where we have other people with special request. Lots of land available. We just have to start small and work our way up.

Note: Flexible payment plans are available. All you need to do is communicate with clarity so we can set it up for you.

The community will be built in 2 phases or more based on future demands. Phase 1 entails 60 plots on 15 acres. The residential & commercial plots on both phases are 80 ft x 100 ft lots for a total of 8,000 square feet per plot. We plan to use 10 remaining plots for a park, community center, business center, and security post.Phase 2 will include 228 plots on 57 acres for residential and business projects. This will include 30 plots for farming, 120 plots for residential, 24 plots for Apartments/Condos, 28 plots for onsite commercial investment, 4 plots for a community store, 4 plots for a Medical Center, 4 plots for an Educational/Training Building, 4 plots for a Maintenance Facility, 8 plots for an additional community and business center.


Build Homes for Rent, Sale and Lease.

We aim to provide family homes for Diasporan Africans for living or investing. This community limits restrictions on different types of homes you may want. The community site layout is set to have space to accommodate an assortment of buildings. The only situation is that we will have to layout land to keep the different homes organized. We would finalize this in our bylaws, group discussion and community voting. The people who are building Multi Units or apartments would be closer to the beginning of the community, then people with tiny homes or one floor could be on another block or area. The we could incorporate the two to three level homes further back. We can also make special arrangements for those who want several plots or want to do industrial development. Then other things such as type of style or methods can be finalized by the community bylaws. This proposed Idea is to do our best to accommodate as many diaspora looking to relocate or repatriate to Ghana. Once land is acquired you have 3 to 5 years to start and build up to living conditions or close to complete.


Medical Center

This is a general and basic medical setup for immediate response for members and the local community. The medical center can consist of waiting rooms, consultation rooms, dental surgeries and an operating theatre. Nutritionists, Doctors, Nurse practitioners and Dentist can organize their energy and work out a staffing system. Where we lack volunteers we would look for local hire. This is the same as all community professional needs.


Community Center

A site is set aside for a general community center. This can be used for various things to accommodate all of us. This includes, classes, workshop, parties, social gathering, dinner gathering, and general meetings. We can also incorporate thing like movie room, media room, fitness, swimming, gardening, playground etc.


Office Building

Start a number of businesses to maximize our community cooperate economics. The object here is to put an end to wage slavery and live more communal and free.


Rites of Passage

The rite of passage program will consist some traditional and some modern method. The purpose of rite of passage is to develop a method of thinking that helps in the good running of society, the rite is carried out at the end of a program.


General Education

The education will take the form of skill sharing workshops. Each week a different member of the project will be expected to run a workshop for two hours each day where they shall pass on the basic skills involved in their profession. Education will also consist of Pan African Studies, literacy and numeracy, Twi and Ga language classes.


Communal Farm

We will encourage everyone to plant as much food and non-food plants to contribute to a rich tropical environment. We can also set aside the communal farm. This farm will be using laborers to help with the weeding and harvesting will be a community venture. All people living on site would be expected to play an active part in the preparation, the planting and harvesting of all crops. Food crops are not for sale but for community consumption.


 General info: e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  website

 Project Organizer: Bomani Tyehimba at 404-931-9429